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PCAN-Developer 4

2017-05-22 • All-round CAN FD package: PCAN-Developer 4 for complex Windows software

PEAK-System has extended the development package PCAN-Developer and the included PCAN-API programming interface with CAN FD. Thus, Windows applications can now be created with CAN and CAN FD connections. Specifically, the API provides extensive program libraries via 32-bit and 64-bit interface DLLs, as well as header files and sample projects for the programming languages ​​C, C++, and Delphi. In the near future,.NET-compatible languages such as C#, C++/CLR and Visual Basic will be added. These are implemented by a special .NET assembly, which is intended to simplify the use of the PCAN-API under .NET.

Thanks to the CAN communication via so-called Clients, many possibilities arise. One of them: up to 64 applications with a maximum of 64 channels can communicate via a hardware type of PEAK-System. Therefore, for example, up to 64 PCI and 64 USB connections can run simultaneously.

Moreover, simulated CAN and CAN FD networks can be implemented between the application and the Client. In this case, errors such as CAN error frames can be generated for test purposes. In addition, the professional PCAN-API provides access to all hardware parameters, such as the listen-only mode for monitoring the CAN traffic. Furthermore, the CAN channels of a PCAN-Gateway can now be accessed via the PCAN-LAN driver.

Along with the associated tools PCAN-View, PCAN-Status Display, and PCAN-Nets Configuration, all useful for individual system configurations, the PCAN-Developer is a professional and versatile package for the development of complex applications for Windows.

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