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PCAN-Diag 2

2011-10-31 • Neue Firmware-Version 1.4.7 verfügbar

The new version 1.4.7 of the PCAN-Diag 2 firmware is available for download. The firmware comes up withe the following improvements and bug fixes:


  • Adjustments for PCAN-Diag devices with Low-speed CAN or Single-wire CAN transceiver
  • Calibration of the measurement facility for the High-speed CAN termination; status is indicated next to the measuring value: "cal. OK" (green) or "not cal" (red, please contact our support team for calibration)
  • If a transmit list only contains a single CAN message, an edit screen for this message can be directly invoked from the "Transmit Messages" screen. Changes of the message's properties affect directly
  • New mask for editing a CAN message; CAN data can be entered as decimal, hexadecimal, or in a binary field
  • Internal pull-up resistor for the BNC connection disabled by default and activated during use of the oscilloscope function
  • CSV files exported by the oscilloscope function now additionally contain the set bitrate and the date and time
  • Receive messages: Message overrun counter added

Bug fixes:

  • Improvement of message reception reduces possibility of message overruns
  • Measurement of CAN termination returned values being 0.6 % too low

Produktdetails: PCAN-Diag 2
Download PCAN-Diag 2 package - The package includes the new firmware, the new PCAN-Diag Editor (version 1.1.0), the PCAN Symbol Editor, the default project, the latest device help, the updated documentation, and the new quick start guide.