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PCAN-Explorer 5 Press Release

2009-10-09 • New Version released

PEAK-System Technik has released version 5 of their PCAN-Explorer for Windows. The PCAN-Explorer is a universal monitoring software for displaying data traffic on CAN networks. For a simple and clear allocation of the individual messages, these can be identified as so-called symbols. The VBScript implementation allows the creation of macros to automate complex tasks.    The data recording is done using tracers or a 4-channel line writer. Features can be enhanced by adding several different add-ins.

An enhanced user interface now allows management of settings, files and PCAN-Explorer elements in projects. A project can simultaneously manage up to 16 CAN connections. The new start page provides quick access to recently opened files or projects.

The J1939 add-in is a new optional feature enhancement for the PCAN-Explorer 5. It integrates the support of all functions of the network protocol SAE J1939, which describes the communication on a CAN bus in commercial vehicles for the transmission of diagnostic data and control information. It contains a complete network definition using 29-bit CAN-IDs (CAN specification 2.0B). The add-in supports all of the definitions as defined by the parameters groups of the Standard, and provides a simple means of accessing the parameters. A complete database with all definitions and parameters is provided. CAN messages can be sent in broadcast form or targeted to individual control units. Addressing of up to 254 individual control units is possible. Furthermore, the J1939 add-in supports multi-packet messages.

Download: PCAN Explorer Press Release
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