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PCAN-Gateway FD Software Version History

This is the version history of the PCAN-Gateway FD software package. All improvements, bug fixes, and changes of the published versions are listed. The software for the PCAN-Gateway products with and without CAN FD support share a common source. For this reason, both version histories are very similar.

Supported products:

2024-10-14 - PCAN-Gateway FD Software Version 1.3.2

Bug fixes:

  • Peers in other subnets could not be connected
  • Fixed auto MDIO of the KSZ9131 PHY under Linux with direct LAN cable usage

2024-08-28 - PCAN-Gateway FD Software Version 1.3.0

  • Updated the configuration file format to 2.0.2
  • Default values:
    • Revision and definition of default values
    • Erroneous values read from the config file are now corrected to their default values instead of their min/max values
    • Default values are used if a value is missing in the config file
    • The default SJW value is now computed and can be 1 to TSEG2/2
    • The default bit rate string now matches bit rates register values and bit rates from the bitrate selection list
  • CAN:
    • The limits of the Time Segment 1 (Phase Segment 1 + Propagation Segment) are now also validated when configuring the CAN interfaces 
      • The maximum of the Time Segment 1 is 256 for the nominal bit rate and 32 for the data bit rate
    • The limits for some bit rate register values were changed:
      • Nominal Bit Rate - Phase Segment 1: Maximum was changed from 128 to 256
      • Nominal Bit Rate - Propagation Segment: Minimum was changed from 128 to 255
      • Data Bit Rate - Phase Segment 1: Maximum was changed from 16 to 32
      • Data Bit Rate - Propagation Segment: Minimum was changed from 16 to 31
  • Bug fixes:
    • A route between a PCAN-Gateway and the Virtual PCAN-Gateway lost its connection if the associated CAN channel of the PCAN-Gateway has been deactivated and CAN messages were sent
    • If a route has been established between a PCAN-Gateway and the Virtual PCAN-Gateway and the associated CAN channel has been deactivated, the CAN channel was activated via a Reset from PCAN-View
    • Routes between a PCAN-Gateway and the Virtual PCAN-Gateway stopped working when sending during a Reset
    • If routes were defined via the ini file and the values were set incorrectly as follows count_max < 0 and count = 0, this prevented existing routes from being deleted even when resetting to factory defaults
    • In rare occations reload factory defaults was not working

Website Version 3.3.2

  • Routes:
    • A new route status can now be indicated: The new (yellow) warning status is set if the route has been established successfully but the data connection was closed. This can happen if the remote side was switched off later on
    • Massive performance improvement for presenting routes
    • In expert mode loopback routes from CAN 1 to CAN 2 and vice versa can be configured
    • The port number 52957 used for device scans cannot be used for routes anymore
    • Removed the route value FPP stats which was listed in Expert mode on Managed Routes
    • Added µs to the CAN timeout displayed under managed routes in Expert mode
  • Filters > Add / Edit Filter: Acceptance Code and Mask values were switched
  • Network > CAN:
    • The selection lists for standard bit rates have been updated. Impossible values were removed and in general, a sample point of 80% is used
    • The bit rates of the bit rate selection are now indicated with the sample point
    • If CAN error reporting was enabled via JSON, the CAN error values for tx and rx are display on Network > CAN if the Expert display mode is used    
  • Device page: The build in Ethernet Phy is now indicated in the hardware information section
  • Device > Configuration: The form for uploading configuration files is now limited to files of the ini type
  • Device > Software Update:
    • Enhanced the confirmation text of the software update to warn about downgrades. It is recommended to export your configuration before a downgrade
    • The form for uploading software packages is now limited to files of the raucb type
    • The status LED is now blinking during a software update
  • Device > User Management:
    • Fixed an issue causing problems to switch to Expert display mode
    • Enhanced the description of the Public Dashboard that this formular can also affect the usage of the JSON interface
  • Responsive web design for mobile devices:
    • Fixed a problem with the presentation of the responsive navigation when using a display with a width smaller than 1024 px
    • Confirmation boxes were presented to high on some mobile devices. With this, it was not possible to use the buttons on the bottom of the boxes
    • General improvements
  • The Device ID of the PCAN-Gateway that can be set with the windows software PCAN-View is now shown on the Start, Status, and Device pages. It can be updated with a reload button
  • A warning message with a link to an update.log is shown on the start page if an software update has failed or is still in progress
  • When the device is booting or reloading, the website will show a web page with a warning and will auto reload until the device is ready
  • The Illuminate function was delayed by 3 seconds. This was removed
  • Fixed a bug caused showing multiple confirm boxes when using the Reboot button
  • Modifications to improve security
  • Updated the website documentation
  • Minor bug fixes and code optimization

JSON Interface Version 1.6.1

  • Routes:
    • Added the new warning status for routes. This status has the number 6. It is set if the route has been established successfully but the data connection was closed. This can happen if the remote side was switched off later on
    • Massive performance improvement for reading route information
    • Configuring an empty port number or a port number using characters and special characters caused a HTML status error 500
    • Loopback routes from CAN 1 to CAN 2 and vice versa can be configured
    • The port number 52957 used for device scans cannot be used for routes anymore
  • Add / Edit Filter: Acceptance Code and Mask values were switched
  • CAN Configuration: An empty clock in a bit rate string led to a website error 500
  • The Device ID of the PCAN-Gateway that can be set with the windows software PCAN-View can now be read with get device
  • Special and UTF-8 characters are not converted to ASCII anymore
  • Bug fix: When entering the old manual_bitrate parameter, the value was transferred to br_def without verification
  • Improved the check for setting br_def via JSON, empty values lead to an error now
  • Removed the deprecated error code define "ERR_CAN_MANUAL_BITRATE_INC". It is now "ERR_CAN_BITRATE_DEF_INC"
  • Improvements of the responsive presentation of the JSON Shell view
  • Updated the JSON interface documentation
  • Minor bug fixes and code optimization

2021-10-06 - PCAN-Gateway FD Software Version 1.1.1

  • The CAN interface IRQ limits can be set in the .ini file now. This opens up an option to balance message latency vs. throughput and CPU load. For this, the parameters irq_time_limit and irq_count_limit were added. See the development documentation for more information
  • Due to the IRQ limit parameter, the configuration file format version was updated to 2.0.1

Website Version 3.2.0 & JSON Interface Version 1.5.0

  • Added the possibility to list unknown PCAN-Gateway devices after a broadcast scan
  • Updated some device icons of the broadcast scan
  • Updated the website documentation
  • New error codes for the incoming bit rate definition strings were added. The new codes handle missing parameters
  • Minor code optimizations

Bug fixes:

  • An error is returned if a data bit rate smaller than the nominal bit rate was defined. This caused the CAN channel to switch off before
  • When using CAN FD frames with CRC, wrong data was copied into the CRC field if less than 64 Byte of CAN data were sent
  • Fixed an issue with error codes. The error codes for the CAN clock and CAN FD enabled / disabled had the same value

2021-01-29 - PCAN-Gateway FD Software Version 1.0.0

  • Added support for the new PCAN-Ethernet Gateway FD DR
  • Revision of the configuration file format
    • Format version was updated to 2.0.0
    • Version information is now written at the beginning of the general section
    • Added new parameters for CAN FD and other settings
    • Revision of the parameter names

Website Version 3.1.0

  • Network > CAN
    • Added the possibility to configure CAN FD interfaces along with custom CAN FD data bitrates
      • CAN FD bit rate and sample point are now display on Network > CAN in Normal mode
      • CAN FD bit rate, sample point, and register values are now display on Network > CAN in Expert mode
      • If CAN FD is used, the nominal and date bit rate are shown in each row of the listed CAN interfaces like 100 kbit/s / 10 Mbit/s
      • The CAN interface listing on Status, Network, and the Login page was updated to list the data bit rate as well, if CAN FD is used
    • Uses can now select from 3 options for configuring bit rates:
      • Selection from pre defined lists
      • Custom bit rates by setting the register values
      • Custom bit rates by setting the clock frequency and all register values at once with a single string. The string can be created comfortably with our Bit Rate Calculation Tool or with PCAN-View
    • The clock frequency can be selected from a pre defined list. With the new PCAN-Ethernet Gateway FD DR, the clock is configurable. For the PCAN-Gateways without CAN FD support, the value is fixed to 24 MHz and indicated as an read only string
    • Bit rate selection on the website offers bit rate lists depending on the selected clock frequency. If JavaScript is off, all bit rates are listed as sub lists of the frequency. If JavaScript is on, this list is filtered to the current frequency selection
    • The sample points are now indicated in the info table as well
  • Add & Edit Route: If CAN FD is supported and enabled, the CAN Channel selection lists the data bit rate in addition
  • Device > Device Monitoring
    • On the PCAN-Ethernet Gateway FD DR, the new page Device Monitoring is available in Expert mode:
    • Indication of several device status measurement values like temperatures, CPU load, uptime, and input voltage
    • Presentation of device status measurements over time in graphs
    • The time range of the graphs can be adjusted via an input from 1 minute to 24 hours
  • Device > Software Updates
    • Installation of software updates alternately on two partitions. This makes it possible to reactivate the previous software installation after an update, either via the website or with the reset button
    • Added a new partition section for presenting information of the installed software versions to:
      • download the config files of available partitions
      • see the configured IP connection settings saved in the config files
      • activate and reboot partitions
    • The PCAN-Ethernet Gateway FD DR uses another file format for software updates
  • Secure website access over https
  • The user comments for CAN, Filters, and Routes are now filtered for line breaks. Those are removed since line breaks violate the *.ini configuration file format
  • Device > Configuration: Improved the import and parsing of configuration files
  • Updated the website documentation

JSON Interface Version 1.4.0

  • Added the possibility to configure CAN FD interfaces along with custom CAN FD data bit rates. Please note: Calls for CAN FD properties are not valid on non CAN FD devices
    • Added a new device property for JSON named "can_fd_support" to get the information if the device supports CAN FD or not
    • Added error codes and messages for setting the CAN FD parameters and data bit rates
    • Enhanced the JSON help for CAN concerning the CAN FD bit rate values and data bit rate
  • The clock frequency can be set via JSON
  • Standard bit rates now depend on the selected clock. The JSON documentation shows all bit rates available depending on the clock
  • The parameter manual_bitrate was renamed to br_def (bit rate definition). Enhanced the JSON interface to allow the old property name besides the new one
  • Added a third bitrate definition mode (br_def ) with the number 2. The value 0 is default. When using mode 2, the bit rate can be set with a single parameter string using the property br_def_string
  • Updated the JSON interface documentation