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PCAN-RP1210-C API Version History

2024-04-24 - Version 4.0.6


  • Test application supports sending J1939 request commands
  • Test application now colorizes received echo messages

Bug fixes:

  • When the API was configured to receive echoes, all large J1939 messages received were marked as echoes, regardless of whether they were echoes or not
  • When the API was configured to receive echoes, self-transmitted and normally received J1939 single-frame and CAN messages had their reception status inverted


2023-07-12 - Version 4.0.5


  • General enhancements and adjustments within the test application

Bug fixes:

  • When a channel had associated PCAN networks configured for CAN FD communication, trying to connect to that channel ended with the 'HARDWARE_NOT_RESPONDING' error
  • PCAN-PCI Express cards were being registered and shown with a wrong name
  • The test application was showing wrong PGN values when using the J1939 protocol


  • The test application is suitable for 64-bit Windows operating systems only

2023-03-07 - Version 4.0.4


  • Enhancements regarding ARM64

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue retrieving file version using the RP1210_ReadVersion or RP1210_ReadDetailedVersion functions


  • RP1210_ClientConnect now returns ERR_CAN_BAUD_SET_NONSTANDARD only if another RP1210 application has initialized the hardware with a different bit rate than 250 kbit/s, not when a general CAN application like PCAN-View does

2022-10-21 - Version 4.0.3


  • New ARM64 API library

2022-08-30 - Version 4.0.2


  • General code enhancements

Bug fixes:

  • Attempting to connect to an existing and registered channel resulted in HARDWARE_NO_RESPONDING in some scenarios
  • When registering a device, its ID value was saved in the wrong format in some scenarios
  • Test app bug fixed: Creating a message to transmit over CAN with DLC 0 was causing the app to crash


  • There is no single RP1210 setup anymore. A RP1210 package is now delivered containing documentation, header files, and a test application

2021-12-10 - Version 4.0.1


  • RP1210_Test Application updated to support broadcast messages configuration for all three protocols, CAN, J1939, and ISO15765

Bug fixes:

  • RP1210_SendCommand failed when trying to set the same bitrate several times in a row (commands: RPCMD_SET_CAN_BAUD, RPCMD_SET_J1939_BAUD, RPCMD_SET_ISO15765_BAUD)
  • The configuration of some commands via the function RP1210_SendCommand returned OK when the protocol of the underlying client did not support the command (e.g. J1939 client issuing RPCMD_SET_BROADCAST_FOR_CAN)
  • Broadcast messages for J1939 and ISO15765 were not working
  • Newly configured CAN broadcast messages were first sent after the specified time interval had expired and not at the time of inclusion

2020-07-16 - Version 4.0.0


  • Support for ISO 15765-2 added
  • Automatic registration of attached devices as RP1210 devices at installation time
  • New sample application for testing the connection with devices from PEAK-System

2020-07-09 - Version 3.0.0 (internal)


  • PCAN-RP1210 is now free of charge. A license is not required anymore

2019-08-05 - Version 2.1.0

Bug fixes:

  • J1939 protocol: The duration of a blocking call to RP1210_ReadMessage from the actual receive time of a message to the return of the function was too long in some systems

2019-05-24 - Version 2.0.9

Bug fixes:

  • It was only possible to connect the first channel of a multi-channel PCI device

2019-04-05 - Version 2.0.8

Bug fixes:

  • The following PCAN hardware could not be registered: PCAN-M.2, PCAN-PCI/104-Express FD, and PCAN-miniPCIe FD

2018-12-12 - Version 2.0.7


  • Support for new PCAN-Hardware added:
    • PCAN-miniPCIe FD
    • PCAN-Chip PCIe FD
    • PCAN-M.2
    • PCAN-Chip USB
    • PCAN-USB X6

Bug fixes:

  • In some scenarios, messages were being lost/discarded when using RP1210_ReadMessage in blocking mode (synchronization problems)
  • The device selection logic in RP1210_ClientConnect was working wrong for USB devices in some scenarios
  • Some connection resources (nets) were being left initialized after unloading the PEAKRP32.dll

2018-05-07 - Version 2.0.6

Bug fixes:

  • Calling the function RP1210_SendCommand with the command RESET_DEVICE was causing a deadlock condition

2018-03-05 - Version 2.0.5


  • New help files, *.chm and *.pdf, for PCAN-RP1210 C

Bug fixes:

  • When connecting to CAN without using Auto-Bitrate recognition the API was not able to receive messages
  • The CAN filtering was not working properly

2017-11-16 - Version 2.0.4

Bug fixes:

  • The configuration of CAN or J1939 filters (function RP1210_SendCommand) was only working for the first element of the data passed to the function. Further items were discarded

2017-08-17 - Version 2.0.3


  • A bug in PCAN-USB firmware 8.3 is now recognized and handled within the library, so that devices that are not up-to-date can still keep working well
  • Code improvements

Bug fixes:

  • API was not checking for presence/absence of a device after connection, when trying to send messages or commands. The error 'ERR_HARDWARE_NOT_RESPONDING' is returned when the device is plugged-out or deactivated
  • API was failing to check the CAN bus status when trying to send messages/commands in an open network. The error 'ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_SEND' is returned when a CAN bus error is recognized

2017-05-18 - Version 2.0.1


  • Added support for new PCI and USB devices: PCAN-PCI Express FD, PCAN-USB X6, and PCAN-Chip USB

Bug fixes:

  • It was not possible to register clients with Id between 33 and 64
  • It was possible to register more than 127 clients

2017-01-23 - Version 2.0.0


  • Complete code revision
  • Code enhancements
  • Implemented J1939-16 for automatic bit rate detection

Bug fixes:

  • Wrong return code of functions in multi-processes environment
  • Deadlock when unloading the DLL

2016-04-13 - Version 1.1.0


  • Potential deadlock situation at finalization time (DLL detach) found and repaired
  • General code enhancements

Bug fixes:

  • Solved problem regarding claiming a J1939 address, when bus state was ERR_BUSHEAVY or ERR_BUSLIGHT
  • Solved problem generated due to concurrent access of resources (multi-threading)

2016-02-15 - Version 1.0.4

Bug fixes:

  • Wrong behavior of J1939 Re-CTS procedure was fixed
  • Shared information between processes was getting corrupted, causing sometimes errors at connection time in multi-process environments

2015-10-20 - Version 1.0.3


  • General code enhancements done
  • Internal components were updated

Bug fix:

  • Access violation / stack overflow problems solved

2015-01-19 - Version 1.0.2

Bug fixes:

  • The function RP1210_ReadDetailedVersion was returning an empty string as Firmware version

2014-09-16 - Version 1.0.1


  • Now is possible to connect RP12010 applications to hardware that are being used from another applications
  • A send queue for J1939 messages is used now. This avoid the return of the error “ALREADY_SENDING” when the function RP1210_SendMessage was called too fast when sending peer to peer messages

Bug fixes:

  • A problem within the Setup logic was avoiding the installation of the RP1210-A
  • The auto Baud rate recognition algorithm was failing to share information about the status of the recognition process within all RP1210 processes. This was causing connection problems and generating bus error

2014-07-15 - Version 1.0.0

  • First Release of the Recommended Practices 1210, Version C