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PCAN-View Version History

2024-12-18 - Version 5.3.1


  • Added support for Device GUIDs, which are now shown on the Hardware tab if the connected CAN interface supports this
  • New option added to copy all parameters displayed on the Hardware tab to the Windows clipboard


  • Removed the possibility to configure the CAN FD ISO mode setting stored in a CAN FD interface on the Hardware tab, which can now be done in the PEAK-Settings app

Please note: PCAN-View is a part of our device driver setup.

Download Setup

2024-04-24 - Version 5.3.0


  • New possibility to copy a message or trace entry as an easily readable text to the Clipboard via new 'Copy as Text' command in the Edit menu
  • Some other minor UI improvements

Bug fixes:

  • When a CAN FD net was selected in the Connect dialog, the preselected database entries and displayed net parameters could be incorrect

2023-12-15 - Version 5.2.0


  • Some improvements in bit rates management:
    • When a bit rate or sample point is entered in the Connect dialog, the current prescaler value is retained, if possible
    • In the Bit Timing dialog, the columns following the Sample Point column are now the same as the ones shown in the Bit Rate Manager dialog, and in the same order: Prescaler, TSEG1, TSEG2, tq, Nq. Descriptions of the columns can be shown when hovering the mouse pointer over a column header.
  • New indicator in the status bar that shows the communication direction when connected to a Virtual PCAN-Gateway route
  • Some other minor user interface improvements

Bug fixes:

  • The title bar buttons were not visible if the window was maximized on a 4k/UHD monitor


  • 32-bit version no longer available
  • Bit Rate Manager dialog: The Bit Timing dialog can no longer be opened for default bit rates, it offers no other information as already visible in the table at the bottom of the dialog

2023-10-04 - Version 5.1.1


  • Bit rates added or modified in the Bit Rate Manager dialog are now marked with an asterisk '*' in the same way as already done for added or modified presets
  • In the Bit Rate Manager dialog, the bit rate parameters of the 'None' preset can now be copied into the clipboard

Bug fixes:

  • Trying to show the online help for the Bit Rate Manager dialog triggered the error message 'No context-sensitive help installed'
  • When a user preset was added in the Bit Rate Manager dialog window and then the active tab was switched to SJA1000 and back to the CAN FD tab, no entry was selected in the Clock list box and the Data bit rate list did not show any entries
  • In some scenarios, the preselected mode in the Connect dialog box did not match the current state of the selected hardware if the selected hardware was already in use by another software
  • When the CAN ID of a transmit message was changed and an RTR was received under the previous CAN ID, the message was sent as a response with its new ID. A subsequent Access Violation ocurred when the changed message was deleted and then another RTR was received for the original ID
  • Regression: When connected to a PCAN-Ethernet Gateway DR, the communication direction indicated on the Hardware tab for read-only and write-only communication was reversed in the German translation (originally fixed in PCAN-View 4.3.1)

2023-07-12 - Version 5.1.0


  • Many internal software restructurings and optimizations
  • The display of the parameters on the hardware tab was redesigned
  • Some minor bug fixes and improvements

2023-03-06 - Version 5.0.5


  • If PCAN-View is directly connected with a hardware channel, the Device ID of the hardware is now also shown in the connection info in the status bar
  • Disallows connecting a PCAN net on PCAN LAN if the FD coniguration of the net does not match the current PCAN-Gateway channel configuration

Bug fixes:

  • When the Connect dialog was opened, the previously used hardware was not always preselected correctly
  • Hardware plug-in/out was not correctly recorded by the Tracer
  • The Paused state of cyclic CAN FD transmit messages was not correctly restored when the program was restarted
  • If a dialog window was shown while the application's help window was open, the help window was locked and could not be moved, resized, or closed

2022-10-24 - Version 5.0.4

Bug fixes:

  • The nominal bit rate preselected in the Connect dialog box could be incorrect for the CAN FD modes if one of the displayed hardware channels was already in use by another software
  • An Acceptance Filter configured as 29-bit extended filter did not filter the messages as expected
  • If a 29-bit extended Acceptance Filter was configured in the Connect dialog box and the 'Store Filter Settings' option was selected, the filter settings were not correctly restored when the dialog box was opened the next time

2022-08-31 - Version 5.0.3


  • A warning message is now shown on the Hardware tab when the user tries to set the Device ID of a hardware to an ID that is already being used by another hardware

Bug fixes:

  • Sending of periodic messages stopped after a few messages when using PCAN device drivers < 4.x
  • While a BTR0/BTR1 value was edited in the Bit Rate Manager dialog in the Details grid, the values for sample point, time quanta (tq), and number of time quanta (Nq) were not updated accordingly
  • After connecting an FD-compatible hardware in SJA1000 mode and reopening the Connect dialog, only SJA1000 and CAN modes were available
  • Manually selecting an SJA1000 bit rate in the Connect dialog could automatically select a differently named bit rate, if another bit rate with the same parameters was stored in the database
  • If a Preset was previously selected in the Connect dialog for one of the CAN FD modes and then a connection in CAN mode was established, the bit rate shown in the Connect dialog the next time the dialog was opened was not the one of the current CAN connection, but the nominal bit rate of the Preset

2022-04-11 - Version 5.0.2


  • The operation mode selected for a hardware is stored in the Registry and automatically selected the next time the Connect dialog box is opened

Bug fixes:

  • The current state of the 'Process Remote Request Frames' option was not saved when the program was closed
  • Unused 'Hardware' Registry values were automatically deleted from the Registry from the device key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ not only for the Non-Plug-and-Play devices PEAKCAN, PCAN_ISA, and PCAN_DNG, but also for all other devices like PCAN_PCI and PCAN_USB
  • When one of the CAN controller options 'Timestamps at Start-of-frame', 'Tx Self-Acknowledge', or 'BRS Ignore' was enabled and the CAN interface was plugged out and replaced by an interface that did not support the feature, the option was still indicated as being enabled in the Status bar
  • Fixed some smaller user interface issues

2021-01-26 - Version 5.0.1


  • If one of the hardware features Timestamp at Start-of-Frame, Tx Self-Acknowledge, or Ignore BRS is enabled, a corresponding indicator is displayed in the status bar

Bug fixes:

  • The hardware features Timestamp at Start-of-Frame, Tx Self-Acknowledge, and Ignore BRS were available for selection on the Options tab of the Connect dialog box when a net was selected, even if the associated hardware did not support the features
  • If the dark user interface style was active, the Trace list was flickering during a recording

2021-12-10 - Version 5.0.0


  • Redesigned Connection dialog that allows bit rate parameters to be calculated on the fly by simply selecting bit rate and sample point
  • Improved bit rate management; new possibility to define presets for CAN FD, which are combinations of nominal and data bit rate
  • A message selected on the Trace tab can be copied to the clipboard
  • New command Edit > Copy As CSV which allows copying messages from the Receive list, Transmit list, or the Tracer to the Clipboard as CSV formatted text while considering the selected display formats
  • Available in 32-bit and 64-bit
  • New option to store the currently selected filter settings
  • New button in the Connect dialog to reset the ID range in the Acceptance Filter settings to default values
  • New dark style and improved light style, former 'Dark' style renamed to 'Modern'
  • New options in the Connect dialog to enable new driver/firmware features Timestamps Start-of-Frame, Tx Self-Acknowledge, and Ignore BRS, if the driver version used is v4.3.0 or higher and if the hardware supports these features
  • Many other minor improvements and bug fixes

2021-05-04 - Version 4.3.4


  • New possibility to sort the message lists by the columns Data, Cycle Time, and Count
  • Shows a filter icon in the Status Bar if a filter has been configured in the Connect dialog box
  • Additions in HTML help files

Bug fixes:

  • After pasting a message from the clipboard into the Transmit List, the new message was selected but it was not scrolled into view. Also, when a message was moved in the list up or down using the keyboard shortcuts CTRL+ArrowUp or CTRL+ArrowDown the list was not scrolled to keep the moved message within view

2021-01-26 - Version 4.3.3

Bug fixes:

  • When PCAN-View was disconnected, the commands to control the tracer did not reflect the auto-start feature of the tracer. Also, executing the tracer commands in disconnected state did not alter the auto-start state
  • When the tracer auto-start feature was active and PCAN-View was being connected, Error Frames were not enabled in the CAN hardware even if the corresponding Tracer option to log Error Frames was selected
  • Some other minor bug fixes and optimizations


  • If the tracer was active when PCAN-View was disconnected, and afterwards a new connection is established, the contents of trace buffer are not deleted
  • After connecting, the Receive/Transmit tab is no longer automatically made the active tab

2020-12-04 - Version 4.3.2


  • Updates and corrections in documentation

2020-09-30 - Version 4.3.1


  • New option in Transmit menu to control whether RTR messages are processed

Bug fixes:

  • After connecting to an FD-compatible hardware with CAN FD not enabled, the CAN FD option was disabled when the Connect dialog box was opened again
  • When connected to a PCAN-Ethernet Gateway DR, the communication direction indicated on the Hardware tab for read-only and write-only communication was reversed in the German translation
  • The Listen-only checkbox on the Connect dialog box was not disabled when the 'Internal' tree node was selected
  • If the Window -> Stay-on-Top option was enabled and a newer version of PCAN-View was started that required the user to accept a new EULA, the EULA window was hidden behind the main window when the window was forced into the foreground by the Stay-on-Top option

2020-07-20 - Version 4.3.0


  • A message is shown when a LAN device is selected in the Connect dialog box to make clear that the bit rate is determined by the hardware
  • New context menu command in Connect dialog box to open the Website of a LAN device
  • The minimum height of the Connect dialog box has been increased so that it is impossible to make the hardware/net selection tree completely invisible
  • New command in the Help menu that opens the *.TRC file format specification (PDF document), if available
  • Some other minor improvements

Bug fixes:

  • The keyboard shortcut for the Transmit > Send command was incorrectly indicated as 'Shift+' instead of 'Space' in the English user interface
  • If an FD-compatible PCAN hardware channel was being selected in the Connect dialog box, which was already in use by another software, the CAN FD checkbox was shown disabled but always checked, even if the hardware did not operate in CAN FD mode at that time
  • It was not possible to set the Device ID of a PCAN-PCI Express hardware on the hardware tab
  • The permitted range of Device IDs for PCAN-ExpressCard and PCAN-ExpressCard 34 was incorrectly indicated as 0-FFFFFFFFh, but it is only 0-FFh
  • If only a single FD-compatible hardware of one device driver was present in the Connect dialog box on a 64-bit system, after connecting and disconnecting the hardware the next time the dialog was opened the hardware seemed to have lost its FD capabilities and the clock frequency was fixed at 8 MHz


  • EULA updated
  • The file name of a Trace file is no longer written into the header of the file

2019-11-21 - Version 4.2.5


  • Shows the Device ID of FPGA-based PCI hardware if PCI driver version used is 4.2.0 or newer
  • Remembers the last size of the Connection dialog box

Bug fixes:

  • Clicking on the application task bar icon while the License Agreement dialog was shown made the dialog box invisible and could not be made visible again. The application had to be killed from the Task Manager to solve this
  • The file version of the device driver indicated on the hardware tab could differ from the actually installed device driver if, on a 64-bit platform, a driver file with the same name but a different version was located in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\drivers

2019-06-27 - Version 4.2.4


  • If an Extended filter is configured in the Connection dialog box, any received message with a 29-bit CAN ID that is outside the configured ID range is ignored; formerly, depending on filter code and mask values, it was still possible that certain CAN IDs outside the allowed range could pass the filter

2019-06-06 - Version 4.2.3


  • New CAN FD messages can now be created in the Transmit List even if the application is in the non-connected state

Bug fixes:

  • If PCAN-View was connected with a net that had an ampersand in its name, the net name was not correctly displayed in the status bar

2019-04-10 - Version 4.2.2


  • When a trace file is saved and an error occurs, an error message is now shown instead of triggering the Bug Report dialog box
  • A dialog with the End-User License Agreement is shown at the first start of the program
  • No error message was displayed if the connection with a CAN hardware failed for any reason
  • Some other minor improvements and bug fixes

Bug fixes:

  • CAN-IDs of RTR messages on the Trace tab were always shown in hexadecimal notation, regardless which ID format was selected in the Settings menu
  • If the periodic transmission of more then one cyclic transmit message was started at once, not all messages were sent the same number of times

2018-05-11 - Version 4.2.1


  • Some minor improvements and bug fixes

2017-09-08 - Version 4.2.0


  • When setting the CAN-FD ISO-mode or the Device ID fails, an error code is provided in the error message
  • New possibility to configure the application window to stay on top of all other windows
  • Some minor improvements

Bug fixes:

  • Identifying PCAN-USB X6 channels was not possible
  • When the the Trace tab was undocked an Access Violation error could occur

2017-05-11 - Version 4.1.3

Bug fixes:

  • When the tracer was configured to linear mode, during recording the buffer was marked as 'full' only when the buffer was filled to 100% and one more message should be recorded
  • For Error Frames with error position 'passive error flag' no description of the position was displayed on the Trace tab
  • When the state of a cyclic transmit message was changed from paused to enabled and the transmit list already contained other enabled cyclic transmit messages, the transmit scheduling for the new message was corrupted for the first 500 milliseconds
  • Some other minor bug fixes and improvements

2017-02-22 - Version 4.1.2


  • Changed design of the Connect dialog box: CAN FD is now an option that can be enabled independently of the FD data bit rate
  • Added missing hardware tabs for PCAN-PC/104-Plus Quad, PCAN-PCI/104 Express, PCAN-MiniPCIe and PCAN-MiniPCIe FD
  • If the connection bit rate was changed externally, e.g. when connected to a remote PCAN-Gateway, the connection information in the status bar is updated automatically

Bug fixes:

  • Some minor bug fixes

2016-07-04 - Version 4.1.1


  • New 'Other' counter value on Trace tab, which is used for events and error counter changes
  • Imports PCAN-View 3 transmit messages, when the program is started for the first time

Bug fix:

  • Message counters on the Trace tab could show wrong values in Ring Buffer mode

2016-02-19 - Version 4.1.0


  • Support for the upcoming PCAN-USB X6
  • Support for the upcoming PCAN-PCI Express FD
  • When changing the ISO mode of PCAN-USB FD or PCAN-USB Pro FD no hardware reset must be performed for the change to take effect

Bug fix:

  • When a transmit list was loaded that contained cyclic transmit messages, paused transmit messages were not recognized as paused

2015-11-04 - Version 4.0.31

  • Bug fix: When connecting to a PCAN-ExpressCard an error message was displayed on some computers

2015-08-24 - Version 4.0.30


  • The firmware version of PCAN-Gateway hardware is now shown on the hardware tab

Bug fixes:

  • Sometimes the Bit Rate drop-down lists in the Connection dialog box were empty
  • Corrections regarding PCAN-Gateway hardware and Listen-ony mode
  • When a hardware connection was established in Listen-only mode and the hardware was plugged-out, the messages in the Transmit list were not activated again
  • Sometimes the Data Bit Rate drop-down list in the Connection dialog box showed the value 0 kBit/s

2015-06-26 - Version 4.0.29


  • A special hardware tab page is shown when a connection is established with a PCAN-Gateway

Bug fixes:

  • When the Windows theme "Windows Classic" was activated, the text of a selected receive message was barely readable
  • Connection dialog box: When a hardware entry was selected that was already in use by another hardware, the displayed warning message could overlap the selected entry

2015-05-11 - Version 4.0.28


  • Support for the CAN FD protocol
  • New dialog box to manage Bit rates and their individual timing parameters
  • For compatible PCAN hardware, bus errors are now displayed with indicators "OK", "Error Passive", and "Bus Warning", instead of BUSLIGHT and BUSHAVY
  • Number of messages in Transmit list is no longer limited to 30
  • Maximum number of Trace buffer entries increased to 1.000.000 messages
  • New possibility to establish a CAN hardware connection in Listen-only mode
  • CAN IDs can be displayed in hexadecimal or decimal format
  • Data bytes can be displayed in hexadecimal or decimal format, or as ASCII characters
  • New possibility to sort the Receive list according to CAN ID or Data Length
  • New possibility to sort the Transmit list according to CAN ID, Data Length, Cycle Time, Trigger, or Comment
  • User interface style can be switched between Windows default and "Dark" style

2015-02-03 - Version 3.2.6


  • New Rx/Tx column on Trace tab

Bug fixes:

  • Connection dialog box: Wrong Device ID values were shown for PCAN-USB devices; wrong channel numbers were shown for PCAN-PC Card devices

2014-08-27 - Version 3.2.5


  • New PCAN-PCI tab or PCAN-PCI Express tab when using PCAN-PCI device driver 3.13 or newer

Bug fixes:

  • Connection dialog box: Hardware names were truncated after 20 characters
  • Transmit messages that had a comment with more than 80 characters caused an internal buffer overflow, which could cause unexpected effects in the user interface or even access violation messages
  • In multi-monitor environments, the position of the application window was sometimes not correctly restored at startup, so that the window would be invisible
  • Some other minor bug fixes

2013-07-09 - Version 3.2.4

Bug fix:

  • The comment about a transmit message was not saved correctly if the text contained quotes

2012-11-06 - Version 3.2.3

Bug fix:

  • Connection dialog box: Channel numbers were not always displayed for multi-channel PCI CAN hardware


  • Tracer: Entries for Error Counter changes show now just the error counters, and no more unnecessary information belonging to Error Frames

2012-09-06 - Version 3.2.2

Bug fix:

  • Since version 3.2.1, while establishing a connection with a PCAN-USB Pro hardware an error message "No argument for format %d" was displayed if the English user interface was active


  • Connection dialog box: Internal PCAN nets are sorted alphabetically

2012-07-06 - Version 3.2.1


  • When starting the program, the positions of floating tool windows are corrected if necessary, so that no window extends beyond the edge of the desktop
  • If a connection is established with a multi-channel hardware, the used channel number is displayed in the Status bar

2012-03-07 - Version 3.2.0


  • New Comment column in the Transmit list
  • Error Generator (PCAN-USB Pro):  The entered CAN-ID is always converted to Hex when leaving the edit field
  • The position of a message in the Transmit list can be changed by pressing [Ctrl+Arrow Up] / [Ctrl+Arrow Down]

Bug fixes:

  • The data bytes of selected transmit messages were not clipped to the data column if the column was too narrow
  • Connection dialog box: The bit rate of a selected hardware was not always shown correctly
  • The start time of a trace was not correctly written to the trace file

2011-07-18 - Version 3.1.5


  • The tracer will start automatically after establishing a connection if it was still active when the program was last exited

Bug fixes:

  • Messages that were transmitted on the same PCAN net by another application, and which were using the SingleShot CAN controller option, were not shown in the Receive list
  • Connection dialog box: If the channel number of a CAN hardware was higher than 2, the displayed channel number was not correct

2011-03-17 - Version 3.1.4

Bug fixes:

  • After the user interface language was changed from German to English, an Access Violation could occur when exiting the program
  • After deleting messages from the Transmit list, the entire list content was sometimes shifted to the left so that the ID column was no longer visible

2011-03-08 - Version 3.1.3

Bug fixes:

  • When using the "Windows Classic" design under Windows Vista or later an error occurred every time the application showed a message box
  • The Tracer stored an incorrect start time in the trace file

2011-02-01 - Version 3.1.2


  • New menu command File->Language->Automatic
  • If an 11-bit filter range was set, PCAN-View also received messages with IDs outside the selected ID range
  • A warning message is shown before the 5V output is activated on the CAN connector of a PCAN-PC Card, PCAN-ExpressCard, or PCAN-USB Hub
  • The data bytes of CAN messages in the Receive and Transmit list are now shown with fixed width characters to prevent horizontal jitter when the data changes rapidly

Bug fix:

  • PCAN-USB Pro: The labels for the maximum and minimum bus load indicators were interchanged

2010-10-21 - Version 3.1.1


  • Under Windows 2000, or under Windows XP and later if using the "Windows Classic" design, the toolbar was painted with a style that looked out of place
  • If the PCAN tools "PCAN Status Display" or "PCAN Nets Configuration" are found in the same directory where PCAN-View is located, a new menu "PCAN Tools" is shown that offers quick access to these tools

Bug fix:

  • The trace mode indicator on the Trace tab was not painted correctly under Windows 2000 or under Windows XP and later if using the "Windows Classic" design

2010-10-13 - Version 3.1.0


  • The user interface language can be switched between English and German
  • The number of QXMTFULL errors that have occurred for cyclic transmit messages is displayed in the Status bar (requires PCAN driver version 3.5.2 or later)

Bug fixes:

  • When sending messages manually, transmit errors were not processed and displayed, e.g. QXMTFULL
  • After re-connecting PCAN-View, the error counters "Overrun" and "QXmtFull" in the Status bar were not set to 0

2010-09-23 - Version 3.0.9


  • If a connected PCAN hardware is plugged out, the connection indicator in the Status bar is updated to show the correct (internal) hardware icon
  • All labels "Baud rate" changed to "Bit rate"

Bug fix:

  • If a connected PCAN hardware was plugged out, after opening the Connect dialog box again a wrong PCAN net was indicated as the connected net

2010-06-17 - Version 3.0.8

  • Bug fix: Connect dialog box: An exception "List index out of bounds" occurred if a hardware was selected that already had another PCAN application to it, and which used a custom Bit rate setting

2010-06-09 - Version 3.0.7

  • Bug fix: Because of a repaint problem it could happen that incorrect values were shown for the data bytes of a CAN message. Clicking on the message with the mouse then displayed the correct values

2010-06-02 - Version 3.0.6

Bug fixes:

  • The Error Warning QOVERRUN was not recorded by the Tracer
  • Transmitted RTR messages were not recorded by the Tracer


  • If tracing of Error Frames is activated, receiving of Error Frames is always enabled in the driver when starting the Tracer even if no hardware is plugged-in. If a hardware is plugged in during a recording, Error Frames can be recorded immediately without stopping and restarting the recording

2010-05-26 - Version 3.0.5

  • Improvement: New PCAN-ExpressCard tab with the possibility to control the 5V output on the CAN connector of a PCAN-ExpressCard

2010-05-14 - Version 3.0.4

  • Improvement: Identifying of CAN channels by flashing of the associated CAN LED can now also be performed for PCAN-USB hardware

2010-04-22 - Version 3.0.3

  • Improvement: New command Help->Device Driver Version that can be used to show information about the device driver that is currently in use

2010-04-14 - Version 3.0.2

Bug fix:

  • The hardware image on the PCAN-PC Card tab was missing.


  • Support for the PCAN-USB Hub hardware: Possibility to change the device number and to control the PWR-OUT output on pin 9 of the CAN connector
  • Hardware images of PCAN-USB and PCAN-USB Pro updated

2010-04-06 - Version 3.0.1

  • Bug fix: If the option Tracer->Log Data Frames was deactivated, no more data frames were shown in the Receive list

2010-03-26 - Version 3.0.0


  • Only one PCAN-View for all devices: the Connection dialog box shows CAN hardware and nets (if available) from all devices (PCI, USB, PC Card, etc.)
  • Loading and saving of transmit lists
  • The messages in the Transmit list are stored in the Windows Registry when exiting the application and automatically restored when the program is started the next time
  • New possibility to record messages
  • Multiple messages can be selected in the message lists at the same time, and can be copied, cut, and pasted via the clipboard
  • Possibility to set the Device Number of PCAN-USB, PCAN-USB Pro, and PCAN-PC Card
  • The bus load measured by a PCAN-USB Pro hardware can be displayed
  • Programming of the PCAN-USB Pro error generator.
  • Tabbed user interface. The Tracer, Bus Load, and Error Generator tabs can be undocked from the main window
  • Identifying of PCAN-USB Pro channels by flashing of the associated CAN LED
  • Support of the new device driver for virtual CAN hardware