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PCAN-Explorer 6: CANdb Import Add-in 6

Optional Function Upgrade for the PCAN-Explorer

PCAN-Explorer 6: CANdb Import Add-in 6
IPES-006086 € 85,00

All prices are plus the at present valid value added tax!

Ordering Add-ins for existing PCAN-Explorer 6 licenses:

If you order an Add-in for an existing PCAN-Explorer 6 license, we will require the corresponding license ID to process your order. Please reference your license ID in the comment field on the bottom of the checkout page.

The CANdb format is a common data description format for CAN bus information in the car industry.

CANdb Import allows the import of CANdb files. This is a useful function for all those who do not want to manually transcribe their database into the PCAN-Explorer symbol format.

  • Open CANdb files (.dbc)
  • Selection of the messages to be used of a CANdb file
  • Saves data using the project administration function in PCAN-Explorer
  • Save to the PCAN-Explorer symbol format

System requirements

  • PCAN-Explorer 6
  • Windows® 11 (x64/ARM64), 10 (x86/x64)
  • Free USB port for installation stick and copy protection dongle
  • Installations files for CANdb Import Add-in
  • Single computer license or portable license with USB copy protection dongle
  • Documentation in HTML help format

Note: Software delivery on USB stick. Alternative installation media or download on request.

Additional information

Suitable to be used with

  • PCAN-Explorer 6: Professional Windows® software to communicate with CAN and CAN FD buses