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PCAN-Diag Editor Version History

2023-03-03 - Version 1.3.0


  • The copy and edit operation of the Trace Message filter file has been added

Please note: Downloadable only via the PCAN-Diag 2 package. This sorfware is not distributed individually.


2015-09-29 - Version 1.2.1

  • Bug fix: While converting Enums from Symbol files, empty strings were not handled correctly

2013-11-08 - Version 1.2.0

  • It is now possible to select a multiplexer display mode (common or separate) for a symbol file
  • Support for CAN ID mask of symbol files added
  • Bug fix: If the Windows themes had been disabled, the toolbars were not displayed correctly

Please note: The PCAN-Diag Editor version 1.2.0 requires the PCAN-Diag firmware version 1.7.0.

2011-10-25 - Version 1.1.0

  • The tab order on the tab "CAN Transmit Lists" was corrected
  • Pre-selection of the first message of a transmit list, after selecting any desired list
  • When saving the project file, under circumstances the last changed value of a transmit list message was not saved if the edit mode of this value was not completed
  • The program icon in the Windows® taskbar was only displayed with 16x16 pixels
  • When entering the user bitrates names under Device Settings, more than 10 characters could be entered, although the PCAN-Diag can only display 10 characters. The number is now, by definition, limited to 10 characters
  • When entering the name of a transmit list, more than 20 characters could be entered, but then the input could not be taken. Now the input is limited to a maximum of 20 characters
  • On the "CAN Transmit Lists" tab, the context menu command "Rename" has been added in order to rename a transmit list
  • On the "CAN Transmit Lists" tab, a new value "Min. required cyle time" has been added
  • The layout on the "CAN Transmit Lists" tab has been changed due to the new value

2011-08-22 - Version 1.0.3

  • When the library "PcanDiagHlp.dll" could not be loaded in the program, the transfer was displayed without a meaningful error message. The same message was also produced by the older version of the library. This error has been corrected
  • Text corrections in the default file

2011-05-10 - Version 1.0.2

  • Bug fix concerning reading the default file
  • Bug fix concerning reading the project files (particularly affected numbers which were displayed as hexadecimal values in the program)
  • Bug fix concerning an saving error, causing that, the last changed setting in the program was not saved

2011-04-27 - Version 1.0.1

  • Error corrected that occurred when closing the program if it was started from the PCAN-Diag and the PCAN-Diag was removed from USB
  • New attribute "FileVersion" in the default file was added
  • When saving project files the following new values will be stored in the section "Version" : firmware version, file version and program version
  • New command "Device Info...." was added to the toolbar
  • Error corrected that occurred during the transfer when a transmitted symbol file could not be read for conversion
  • Correction in the version information of the library "PcanDiagHlp.dll" (
  • In the library "PcanDiagHlp.dll" ( the new rules of the symbol format regarding the multiplexers in PCAN-Explorer versions 5.1.3 and higher were included

2011-02-24 - Version 1.0.0

  • First official release version of PCAN-Diag Editor and the library for converting symbol files for the useage PCAN-Diag "PcanDiagHlp.dll" (