2024-12-18 - Version 2.2.3
- General code enhancements
Please note: The Virtual PCAN-Gateway is a part of our driver installation.
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2023-12-15 - Version 2.2.2
Bug fixes:
- In some scenarios, a PCAN-LAN channel remained available even though its routes were not active (ghost device)
- The hardware handle allocation process for registered PCAN-LAN channels has been improved and adjusted to be more similar to other PCAN devices
2023-10-04 - Version 2.2.1
- General code enhancements
Bug fixes:
- In some scenarios, the Device ID and firmware version information was lost at the time of route connection
- The mode change of a CAN channel from standard CAN to CAN FD or vice versa within a PCAN-Gateway device was not reported to the connected PCAN participants on the PC side
- The 'TCPDelay' parameter of a Virtual PCAN-Gateway route was applied upside down
- The 'Join' operation in the Virtual PCAN-Gateway Configuration tool incorrectly configured the CAN channel of the opposing routes, preventing these routes from being connected
2023-07-12 - Version 2.2.0
- It is now possible to bind Virtual PCAN-Gateway routes to a remote CAN channel, as an additional check to avoid connections to unwanted CAN channels
- The registration process of PCAN-Gateways devices in the PCAN-LAN driver was improved
Bug fixes:
- The sound for channel plug-in was being played twice in some scenarios
- The route status displayed in the 'Edit Route' pane was not being updated, when this was changed via the pop-up menu or the Activate/Deactivate button
- The hardware handle allocation process was faulty, causing PCAN-LAN/CAN channels to be mixed up
- In some scenarios, trying to add a new route was failing because needed configuration controls were deactivated
- When trying to edit an incoming route, the IP field was showing wrong values in some scenarios
- The port 52957 is now reserved. It is not allowed anymore to use it for registering new routes
- The behavior of the sound played when a PCAN-LAN channel is connected/disconnected was improved
- There are new colored lamps that represent additional status indicators and help with troubleshooting communication problems:
- A yellow/green lamp is now shown for inactive routes (they are connected but have their associated CAN channel deactivated)
- A purple lamp is now shown for active routes when the PCAN-LAN driver is not loaded
2023-03-07 - Version 2.1.2
Bug fixes:
- Text containing special characters retrieved via the JSON interface from remote devices was displayed incorrectly in the Configuration Tool
2022-12-07 - Version 2.1.1
- Windows device connection sounds are now played when PCAN-LAN channels perform Plug-in/out events
Bug fixes:
- The timestamp of incoming messages were synchronized with a start time of 0, so that they always seemed to be in the past. This prevented messages from being traced in tools like PCAN-View and PCAN-Explorer
- The Virtual Gateway Configuration tool failed to show the status 'Handshake off' of routes with this configuration when retrieving information from scanned devices
2022-10-24 - Version 2.1.0
- New native ARM64 version of the Virtual PCAN-Gateway
- Additional Plug-in/Plug-out events of PCAN-LAN channels are now performed when the 'Active' setting of the CAN Channel associated with a route is changed
2022-08-31 - Version 2.0.4
- Time interval accuracy between incoming messages was improved
- Additional general code enhancements
Bug fixes:
- The support link “Control Panel App” was updated
2021-12-14 - Version 2.0.3
- General code enhancements
Bug fixes:
- In some scenarios, when an energy event occurred (power off of PCAN-Gateway/FD devices, sleep/hibernation of host PC), the Virtual PCAN-Gateway service was stopping the communication indefinitely
- In some scenarios, when an energy event occurred (power off of PCAN-Gateway/FD devices, sleep/hibernation of host PC), the CPU load was being raised up to 100% and a service restart was needed
- The Device ID retrieved from a gateway device was being parsed as signed integer instead of as unsigned integer
- Configuration Tool: It was not possible to parse PCAN-Gateway/FD INI files with version v2 when doing Join operations
- Configuration Tool: The application was crashing when using the JSON interface to get routes information from PCAN-Gateway FD devices
- Configuration Tool: Remote Virtual PCAN-Gateways are now ignored and not included in the list of results when scanning for PCAN-Gateway devices
2021-01-26 - Version 2.0.2
Bug fixes:
- The “Join operation” in the Virtual PCAN-Gateway Configuration Tool was not working with INI files coming from PCAN Gateways FD devices
- Changing the activation status of routes with direction device->PC on PCAN-Gateway devices erroneously caused the nominal bitrate on the PC side to be set to 0
2020-12-14 - Version 2.0.1
Bug fixes:
- Typo in the user interface of the configuration tool corrected
- The enabled/disabled commands of the popup menu for route activation, 'Switch ALL routes on' and 'Switch ALL routes off', showed wrong states
- Fixed service crashes that occurred when connecting incoming routes more than once at the same time
2020-07-20 - Version 2.0.0
- Routes can be now configured with any IP address. The strict relationship between defined routes and an explicit network adapter was removed
- Virtual PCAN-Gateways (PC with PCAN-LAN driver) can now be found from other PCAN-Gateway devices, when performing a scan
- The configuration tool can now scan for other devices of the Gateway family on a network
- The configuration tool can now retrieve routing information of remote PCAN-Gateways using the JSON interface
- It is now possible to perform a reset of CAN channels of PCAN-Gateway devices connected over PCAN-LAN (using PCAN software like PCAN-View, among others)
- It is now possible to configure a Device-ID on PCAN-Gateway devices (a PCAN-Gateway with firmware 2.8.2 or greater is required)
- The name of PCAN-Gateway devices connected to a Virtual PCAN-Gateway are now shown in the route list within the configuration tool, together with their IP addresses
- Support for CAN FD communication added (a CAN FD capable PCAN-Gateway is required and PCAN-LAN driver version 4.2.1 or greater)
- Multiple activation/deactivation/deletion of routes over the configuration tool is now possible
- The amount of routes that can be registered using the configuration tool was increased to 64
- General code enhancements
Bug fixes:
- Routes were failing to reconnect after a WSAEINTR error
- In some scenarios, invalid commands were being processed as valid ones, instead of being discarded
- Internal conversions were not working well, when translating the MAC-ID and other values
- When deleting routes, a background connection to the remote device was still being kept open
- The footer of the configuration tool was not showing version information
- The configuration tool was not showing the version of the Virtual PCAN-Gateway service within the info panel
2017-09-14 - Version 1.3.1
- The status of the Gateway CAN channels is now forwarded to the PCAN-LAN driver (BUS PASSIVE/WARNING/etc.)
- The configuration tool can now be used as command-line tool for some actions:
- /reload: causes a reload of all configured routes. Same as clicking the Reload button under Device / Configuration
- /routeson: turns all configured routes on. Same as context menu command 'Switch ALL Routes On' under Routing / Manage Routes
- /routesoff: turns all configured routes off. Same as context menu command 'Switch ALL Routes Off' under Routing / Manage Routes
- The use of the port 45321 when creating or editing routes within the configuration tool is now denied (marked as reserved)
Bug fixes:
- Routes were unable to connect if a PCAN-Ethernet Gateway was idle while the PC was being started or rebooted. This caused the registration of an invalid IP address
- Incoming routes (from device to PC) could not connect if they were initialized before the network (network adapter or LAN cable) was activated
2017-02-01 - Version 1.3.0
- It is now possible to use different IP addresses on the same network card
Bug fixes:
- VPOI-Service dependencies were adjusted to avoid race conditions with the Windows firewall at startup
- Fixed inconsistencies concerning the font in the Virtual PCAN-Gateway Configuration user interface
2016-01-26 - Version 1.2.0
- It is now possible to define up to 16 routes
- Added a command in the Configuraton Tool (Device | Configuration) to force a reload of the routes (behavior is similar to restarting the service)
- Information about the firmware version is now available
- Bit rate and CAN Listen-only changes in a PCAN-Gateway device are now communicated to the service and forwarded to the driver (PCAN-Gateway software package 2.6.0 required)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed access violation when doing the "Join routes" process in the configuration tool
- Fixed access violation when invocating the context menu on the route list in the configuration tool, after deleting a route
- Fixed access violation when a wrong focus on the "Manage Routes" list in the configuration tool was evaluated
- The service excecutable crashed sometimes while finalizing
2015-11-06 - Version 1.1.0
- The communication protocol between PCAN-Gateways and the Virtual PCAN-Gateway was enhanced
- Minor improvements in the user interface of the Configuration Tool
- General code optimizations
Bug fixes:
- While editing a route in the Configuration Tool the left side menu is no longer blocked
- Double plugged-in route problem fixed
- Problem that was causing abandoned routes to be shown was fixed
- Problem that didn't let active routes to get connected was fixed
- Problem solved that sometimes caused the service to crash at finalization time
- The 8th defined route was lost after restarting the service. After that it was impossible to define 8 routes, even after deleting all of them
2015-07-01 - Version 1.0.1
- Improvement for the Virtual PCAN-Gateway Manager: The communication protocol between routes and driver was enhanced
- Bug fix for the Virtual PCAN-Gateway Manager: Listen-Only status of CAN channels were being not forwarded to the driver
- Bug fix: The link to call the PEAK Control Panel Applet was not working in some scenarios
2015-06-17 - Version 1.0.0