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2012-11-12 - PCAN-Explorer 5 - Version 5.3.1

Bug fixes:

  • Edit Variables dialog box: When trying to select an Enum value that contained the character sequence
    " - " (space-hyphen-space), an error message "Invalid value" was displayed
  • When the Macro Status window was focused, a running macro could not be stopped by pressing the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+M
  • If the Macro Status window was configured as MDI child window, the window icon in the MDI tab was too large
  • If the last statement in a Standard macro was "ExecuteCommand ApplicationTerminate", when executing the command several "Handle error" messages were displayed while the program was closing
  • Object model: Setting the Tracer.Description property with a VBS macro did not update the description text shown in the tracer window
  • Importing of ASC files sometimes failed
  • Not all supported file types could be imported or opened by using drag-and-drop
  • If a VBS macro error was detected while the program was being started, an error message was displayed and selecting the "Edit macro" option had no effect
  • Object model: Calling the Document.Close method in a VBS macro could cause subsequent unpredictable error messages and application crashes
  • When the "New Project" button was clicked on the Start Page after a project has been loaded, an "Access violation" error could occur
  • If a message was inserted into the Transmit list, which contained a Multiplexer whose display mode was set to "Off", an "Access violation" occurred and the application crashed
  • If a transmit message had a matching Symbol but no matching Multiplexer, the Transmit list did not show the raw data bytes of the message in the Data column


Changes, improvements, and bug fixes in the PCAN-Explorer Add-ins:

Instruments Panel Add-in - Version 3.1.5 Details ...
J1939 Add-in - Version 1.4.3 Details ...