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2011-07-26 - PCAN-Explorer 5 - Version 5.1.4


  • Compiling time of Standard Macros reduced
  • When a J1939 symbol is dragged from the Project Browser into a Transmit List, the Source address of the newly created transmit message is now set to the address that an associated connection has already claimed
  • J1939 database brought up to date. Missing default cycle times of PGNs added


Bug fixes:

  • Object model: After calling the Connections.Add method, the Project Browser did not show the correct name of the new connection if the project already contained a connection with the same name
  • Receive/Transmit list: If a symbol contained a variable of the data type Raw, which was set as the standard variable of the symbol, no variable was displayed for such a message in the collapsed state in the Data column
  • If the bus "None" was selected when editing a CAN message, the error message "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" was displayed
  • If a project with a single connection contained an old Standard Macro file (created with PCAN-Explorer 4 or older), the macro was not compiled correctly when the project was loaded, and was shown as an invalid macro in the Macro drop-down list
  • Object model: If the MessageFilters.Remove method was called to remove a filter, it was no longer possible to add a new message filter in the Project Browser. Pressing the Add Filter button in the Receive/Transmit window or a Tracer window then caused an access violation
  • When trying to create a new VBS Macro file using the Macro dialog box, the file could not be created because PCAN-Explorer tried to create the new file in the application directory, which is usually write protected for normal users
  • If the Close Project command was selected, no Save dialog box was displayed for unsaved files. The Save dialog box was only displayed if the project itself was marked as unsaved/modified
  • Object model: Calling the ReceiveMessages.Remove method did not remove a message from the Receive list
  • Object model: Calling the TransmitMessages.Remove method caused a deadlock
  • Resetting the columns of the Connections window did not resize the columns correctly, so that the rightmost column was truncated
  • Changing the width of a column in the Connections window sometimes did not resize the other columns correctly
  • When editing J1939 transmit messages, the priority field in the Edit Message dialog box was always set to the PGN’s default priority from the symbols file, not to the actual priority of the currently edited message
  • The tracer setting "First Message sets Start Time" did not have an effect if the buffer type was set to "Dynamic"
  • Scrolling the contents of Trace windows with the mouse wheel did not always work correctly

Changes, improvements, and bug fixes in the PCAN-Explorer Add-ins: