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2024-02-09 - Version 6.7.0 release now available


  • Hovering the mouse over a message in the Trace window now displays the message's decoded variable values even during an ongoing recording or playback if the Autoscroll option is switched off
  • Some minor internal optimizations

Bug fixes:

  • Callback libraries added to virtual project folders were not loaded when the project was reopened
  • If a loaded project had invalid connections, symbols were not displayed in a Trace window for these connections even if the option 'Activate Symbols only for enabled connections' was disabled
  • The Description field in the Trace window, if visible, was sometimes not positioned correctly above the Header of the Trace list
  • Fixed a possible issue which could lead to a state where the current MDI tab could no longer be changed by clicking with the left mouse button
  • If the list of variables in the Edit Variables dialog was empty, closing the dialog with OK triggered the error message 'Argument out of range'
  • Variables of type string were not listed in the Edit Variables dialog if the length of the variable was defined longer than the parent message had space in its data bytes
  • In a trial version, Add-ins could not be loaded again after unloading in the Add-in Manager dialog due to problems evaluating the license during this process
  • ASC files using a tab character to separate the individual values in the file could not be imported
  • Fixed some minor user interface issues


PCAN-Explorer Add-ins and PCAN-Symbol Editor